March 2019 Meeting Minutes

JCARA, INC Club Minutes

March 2019


Meeting called to order by Lloyd, WB5HUP

Prayer led by Chuck, N9RRI

Pledge of Allegiance led by Lloyd, WB5HUP

Absent Officer: Mike, KG5VXY

4 Visitors: Larry K5LDA, Sandy WD4RIS, Jimmy K5OP, Becky.

Quorum Declared


Bob, KB8VND demonstrated how to receive SSTV pictures without using any wired audio hookups.

February Minutes read by Bob, KB8VND. Motion to accept by Marilyn, KB5MW. 2nd by Mike, KG5KSA. Motion carried

January and February treasury report read by Bob, KB8VND. Motion to accept by Richard, AC5RW. 2nd by Val, N9RQX. Motion Carried

Old Business:

  1. Repeater Committee:
  2. Mike, KG5KSA is working on the W5WA repeater custodian paperwork. He is also looking into an audio program for the W5WA repeater.
  3. Richard, AC5RW motioned to make Chris, K5MOZ the N5OS call sign trustee. 2nd by Chuck,                    N9RRI. Motion Carried.
  4. VE Testing: No activity.

New Business :

  1. Larry, K5LDA invited everybody to attend meetings and join in on nets held by the Deep South Amateur Radio Association. He also talked about how the club is involved with the Battleship Alabama.
  2. Lee, K5CUB is the point of contact for “Field Day In The Park”
  3. Lloyd, WB5HUP is looking into information about participation in this year’s car show.
  4. Richard, AC5RW reminded the club that this year’s registration sticker needs to be applied to the        club’s trailer before it can be used.
  5. Richard, AC5RW will be reserving a pavilion for the club picnic.
  6. The Christmas party will be held at the Country Gentleman.
  7. Informal club gatherings are held around 11:00AM on Wednesdays at the Ocean Springs McDonalds next to Walmart.
  8. Lloyd, WB5HUP will head the Field Day committee.

Motion to close the meeting by Chris, K5MOZ . 2nd by Richard, AC5RW. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted by

Bob Vigne, KB8VND

JCARA, Inc. Club Secretary

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Author: Alan